Best Credit Cards
Best credit cards can be confusing with so many options and choices available.
Credit cards have become a necessity in this day and age, and for those that can keep up with regular payments on their credit card, it can serve as a god send.
The best type of credit card to obtain is from your bank or building society, where you have a checking or current account and have been a customer for sometime.
The interest rates on these credit cards are a lot better than for pre-paid credit cards, which act almost like a debit card, but you can only use the balance on the card.
The good thing about credit cards from your bank is they normally have a 0% interest period, whereby any purchases made on the card has a 0% interest for a certain time (usually a year to 15 months).
What certain people do to benefit from this interest free period, is after the promotional period is over; to move the balance on the card to another 0% interest card offering another 12 – 15 months 0% interest, and pay the balance transfer fee (which usually has its own promotional rate along with the promotional period for the 0% interest).
As long as you can pay off the balance in full when required, and surpass the minimum payment each month, a credit crd can be a very nice financial alternative to having cash on your person.
Visit credit cards debt help, for credit cards debt and general debt consolidation advice from our debt experts.
Filed under: credit cards for bad credit