Mastercards as well as Visa are two of the more popular credit cards, although Discover is also strong, the first two are used in 22 million outlets all over the world.
But the question for many consumers is which credit card to use, Mastercard or Visa?
Visa used to be the front runner, and for a time many outlets preferred Visa than Mastercard, but now things have changed almost everywhere you go to both Mastercard and Visa are accepted in equal measure.
In terms of which is the best, they are both similar in what they offer.
To determine which card you choose, it’s not so much dependent on if its a Mastercard or a Visa but the features offered by the offering bank, i.e. the interest rates, any cashback or rewards for utilising the credit card e.t.c
Credit cards like Visa and Mastercard make their money from charging retailers for accepting the card, and since they are both after the same business their rates are more or less the same, and in turn the issuing bank can add further benefits such as airmiles vouchers, money off grocery shopping, and points which can be redeemed via a variety of ways.
Although Visa is utilized more internationally than Mastercard, it’s not so much the type of credit card; unless ofcourse it’s a prepaid credit card, which really acts more like a debit card (as long as there is a balance on the card), but the features on offer.
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Filed under: credit cards for bad credit